I had taken TOEIC exam today, in addition to that, the wave condition of yesterday was so bad that I could not go surfing this weekend >0<

Regarding with TOEIC, I had not taken it for past 4 years, and impression of that is little easier for me to answer a question than 4 years ago.

I think that using english on real business help me to improve my ability, but learning other language is truly profound. therefore I have to brush up my english more and more.

After come back home, I had niticed that one letter had arrived. that one was sent by my cute&Miracle nephew "Mitsuhisa".

he is just 4 years old, but he is monster |0| he can already communicate well with around adult person, and his excellent power of self-expression and creativity is unbelievable and incredible!!
maybe its exceed ordinaly teens. ← doting uncle